l Yi Wu, Ziqiang Li, Chaoyue Wang, Heliang Zheng, Shanshan Zhao,Bin Li, Dacheng Tao, Domain Re-Modulation for Few-Shot Generative Domain Adaptation, accepted to NeurIPS2023

l Chenxin Tao, Xizhou Zhu, Weijie Su, Gao Huang, Bin Li, Jie Zhou, Yu Qiao, Xiaogang Wang, Jifeng Dai, Siamese Image Modeling for Self-Supervised Vision Representation Learning, accepted to CVPR2023

l Weijie Su, Xizhou Zhu, Chenxin Tao, Lewei Lu, Bin Li, Gao Huang, Yu Qiao, Xiaogang Wang, Jie Zhou, Jifeng Dai, Towards All-in-one Pre-training via Maximizing Multi-modal Mutual Information, accepted to CVPR2023

l Kang Chen, Shaochen Wang, Beihao Xia, Dongxu Li, Zhen Kan, Bin Li, TODE-Trans: Transparent Object Depth Estimation with Transformer, accepted to 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).


l Ziqiang Li, Pengfei Xia, Xue Rui, Bin Li, Exploring The Effect of High-frequency Components in GANs Training, ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (ACM TOMM), accepted and published online in December 2022, https://doi.org/10.1145/3578585.

l Guofu Zhang, Lei Li, Zhaoping Su, Zhisheng Shao, Miqing Li, Bin Li, Xin Yao, New Reliability-Driven Bounds for Architecture-Based Multi-Objective Testing Resource Allocation, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering(Early Access), Nov. 2022, DOI: 10.1109/TSE.2022.3223875

l Ziqiang Li, Muhammad Usman, Rentuo Tao, Pengfei Xia, Chaoyue Wang, Huanhuan Chen and Bin Li, A Systematic Survey of Regularization and Normalization in GANs, accepted to ACM Computing Surveys in October 2022.

l Hongjing Niu, Hanting Li, Feng Zhao, Bin Li, Roadblocks for Temporarily Disabling Shortcuts and Learning New Knowledge, NeurIPS 2022, Nov.28-Dec.09, 2022.

l Ziqiang Li, Pengfei Xia, Rentuo Tao, Hongjing Niu, Bin Li, A New Perspective on Stabilizing GANs Training: Direct Adversarial Training,  IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence ( Early Access ), 08 August 2022. DOI: 10.1109/TETCI.2022.3193373

l Ziqiang Li, Chaoyue Wang, Heliang Zheng, Jing Zhang, Bin Li, FakeCLR: Exploring Contrastive Learning for Solving Latent Discontinuity in Data-Efficient GANs, ECCV 2022, Oct.23-27, 2022.

l Dongxu Li, Shaochen Wang, Kang Chen, Bin Li, Contrastive Inductive Bias Controlling Networks for Reinforcement Learning, ACML 2022.

l Huacong Jiang, Weiming Liu, Bin Li, Faster Optimistic Online Mirror Descent for Extensive-form Games, PRICAI2022.

l Pengfei Xia, Hongjing Niu, Ziqiang Li, BinLi, Enhancing Backdoor Attacks with Multi-Level MMD Regularization, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing  (Early Access), March 2022. DOI: 10.1109/TDSC.2022.3161477

l Weiming Liu, Bin Li, Julian Togelius, Model-Free Neural Counterfactual Regret Minimization with Bootstrap Learning, IEEE Transactions on Games (Early Access), March 2022. DOI: 10.1109/TG.2022.3158649

l Shaochen Wang, Rui Yang, Bin Li, and Zhen Kan, Structural Parameter Space Exploration for Reinforcement Learning via a Matrix Variate Distribution, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence (Early Access), January 2022. DOI: 10.1109/TETCI.2022.3140380

l Chengtao Peng, Yue Zhang, Jian Zheng, Bin Li, Jun Shen, Ming Li, Lei Liu, Bensheng Qiu, Danny Z. Chen, IMIIN: An inter-modality information interaction network for 3D multi-modal breast tumor segmentation, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Vol.95, January 2022, 102021.

l Rui Yang, Jie Wang, Zijie Geng, Mingxuan Ye, Shuiwang Ji, Bin Li, Feng Wu, Learning Task-relevant Representations for Generalization via Characteristic Functions of Reward Sequence Distributions, ACM KDD 2022, Aug.14-18, 2022.

l Weiming Liu, Huacong Jiang, Bin Li and Houqiang Li, Equivalence Analysis between Counterfactual Regret Minimization and Online Mirror Descent, ICML 2022.

l Yongduo Sui, Tianlong Chen, Pengfei Xia, Shuyao Wang, Bin Li, Towards Robust Detection and Segmentation Using Vertical and Horizontal Adversarial Training, IJCNN 2022.

l Pengfei Xia, Bin Li, Data-Efficient Backdoor Attacks, IJCAI 2022, July 23-29, 2022, Vienna, Austria.

l Kai Zhang, Zheyang Li, Haoji Hu, Bin Li, Wenming Tan, Haixian Lu, Jun Xiao, Ye Ren, Shiliang Pu, Dynamic Feature Pyramid Networks for Object Detection, ICME 2022.

l Haobo Fu, Weiming Liu, Shuang Wu, Yijia Wang, Tao Yang, Kai Li, Junliang Xing, Bin Li, Bo Ma, Qiang Fu, and Wei Yang, Actor-Critic Policy Optimization in a Large-Scale Imperfect-Information Game, ICLR 2022.

l Zhihai Wang, Jie Wang, Qi Zhou, Bin Li, Houqiang Li. Sample-Efficient Reinforcement Learning via Conservative Model-Based Actor-Critic, AAAI 2022, 36(7), Feb.22- Mar.1, 2022, 8612-8620.

l Yufei Kuang, Miao Lu, Jie Wang, Qi Zhou, Bin Li, Houqiang Li. Learning Robust Policy against Disturbance in Transition Dynamics via State-Conservative Policy Optimization, AAAI 2022, 36(7), Feb.22- Mar.1, 2022, 7247-7254.


l Pengfei Xia, Hongjing Niu, Ziqiang Li, BinLi, On the receptive field misalignment in CAM-based visual explanations, Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol.152, December 2021, Pages 275-282.

l Pengfei Xia, Bin Li, Improving resistance to adversarial deformations by regularizing gradients, Neurocomputing, Vol. 455, 2021, p.38-46.

l Ziqiang Li, Rentuo Tao, Jie Wang, Fu Li, Hongjing Niu, Mingdao Yue, Bin Li, Interpreting the Latent Space of GANs via Measuring Decoupling, IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, 2(1): 58-70 (2021).

l Zhaopin Su, Guofu Zhang, Feng Yue, Dezhi Zhan, Miqing Li, Bin Li, Xin Yao, Enhanced Constraint Handling for Reliability-Constrained Multiobjective Testing Resource Allocation. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 25(3): 537-551 (2021)

l Xizhou Zhu, Weijie Su, Lewei Lu, Bin Li, Xiaogang Wang, Jifeng Dai, Deformable DETR: Deformable Transformers for End-to-End Object Detection, ICLR2021, Vienna, Austria, May 04 2021.


l Chengtao Peng, Bin Li, Peixian Liang, Jian Zheng, Yizhe Zhang, Bensheng Qiu, Danny Z. Chen, A Cross-Domain Metal Trace Restoring Network for Reducing X-Ray CT Metal Artifacts, in IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 39, no. 12, pp. 3831-3842, Dec. 2020, DOI: 10.1109/TMI.2020.3005432.

l Zhaopin Su, Guofu Zhang, Feng Yue, Jindong He, Miqing Li, Bin Li, Xin Yao, Finding the Largest Successful Coalition under the Strict Goal Preferences of Agents. ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, 14(4): 15:1-15:33 (2020)

l Chengtao Peng, Bin Li, Ming Li, Hongxiao Wang, Zhuo Zhao, Bensheng Qiu, Danny Z. Chen, An irregular metal trace inpainting network for x\ray CT metal artifact reduction, Medical Physics, Vol.47, No.9, Sep. 2020, p.4087-4100, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/mp.14295

l Ziqiang Li, Rentuo Tao, Qianrun Wu, Bin Li, DA-RefineNet: Dual-Inputs Attention RefineNet for Whole Slide Image Segmentation, ICPR 2020, Milan, Italy, Jan. 10-15, 2021.

l Ziqiang Li, Rentuo Tao, Hongjing Niu, Mingdao Yue, Bin Li, Interpreting the Latent Space of GANs via Correlation Analysis for Controllable Concept Manipulation, ICPR2020, Milan, Italy, Jan. 10-15, 2021.

l Shaochen Wang, Yuan Pu, Shangtong Yang, Xin Yao, Bin Li, Boltzmann Exploration for Deterministic Policy Optimization, ICONIP (2) 2020: 214-222.

l Shaochen Wang, Bin Li, Implicit Posterior Sampling Reinforcement Learning for Continuous Control, ICONIP (2) 2020: 452-460.

l Yuan Pu, Shaochen Wang, Xin Yao, Bin Li, Latent Context Based Soft Actor-Critic, IJCNN 2020: 1-7.

l Weijie Su, Xizhou Zhu, Yue Cao, Bin Li, Lewei Lu, Furu Wei, Jifeng Dai, VL-BERT: Pre-training of Generic Visual-Linguistic Representations, ICLR2020, Apr 26th - May 1st, 2020, Ethiopia.


l Rentuo Tao, Ziqiang Li, Renshuai Tao and Bin Li, ResAttr-GAN: Unpaired Deep Residual Attributes Learning for Multi-Domain Face Image Translation, IEEE Access, Vol.7,  13 Sept. 2019, pp.132594 - 132608, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2941272.

l Xin Tong, Bo Yuan and Bin Li, Model complex control CMA-ES, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, Volume 50, November 2019, 100558.

l Bo Yuan, Bin Li, Huanhuan Chen, Zhigang Zeng, and Xin Yao, Multi-Objective Redundancy Hardening with Optimal Task Mapping for Independent Tasks on Multi-Cores, Soft Computing, accepted, Mar. 2019.

l Xiao Liang, Chengtao Peng, Bensheng Qiu, Bin Li, Dense Networks with Relative Location Awareness for Thorax Disease Identification, accepted to Medical Physics in March 2019.

l Lei Liu, Yuhao Luo, Xu Shen, Mingzhai Sun, Bin Li, ­dropout: a Unified Dropout, IEEE ACCESS, Vol.7, No.1, Dec. 2019, pp. 36140-36153.

l Bo Tang, Ao Li, Bin Li, Minghui Wang, CapSurv: Capsule Network for Survival Analysis with Whole Slide Pathological Images, IEEE Access, Vol. 7, No.1, Feb. 2019, pp. 26022 - 26030.

l Kai Zhang, Wengang Zhou, Shaoyan Sun, and Bin Li, Multiple Complementary Inverted Indexing Based on Multiple Metrics, Multimedia Tools and Applications (MTA), Volume 78, Issue 6, March 2019, pp 7727C7747.

l Xin Tong, Weiming Liu, Bin Li, Enhance Rolling Horizon Evolution with Policy and Value Networks, IEEE Conference on Games (CoG2019), London, UK, 20th C 23rd August.

l Weiming Liu, Yinda Zhou, Bin Li and Ke Tang, Cooperative Co-evolution with Soft Grouping for Large Scale Global Optimization[C]//2019 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 10-13 June 2019, Wellington, New Zealand

l Yinda Zhou, Weiming Liu, Bin Li, Efficient Online Hyperparameter Adaptation for Deep Reinforcement Learning. In: Kaufmann P., Castillo P. (eds) Applications of Evolutionary Computation. EvoApplications 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 11454. Springer, Cham, April, 2019, p.141-155

l Yinda Zhou, Weiming Liu, Bin Li, Two-stage population based training method for deep reinforcement learning[C]//Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on High Performance Compilation, Computing and Communications. ACM2019: 38-44

l Yi Wu, Bin Li, Sanchao Ding, Yinda Zhou, A Two-Stage Evolutionary Algorithm for Many-Objective Optimization, In: Deb K. et al. (eds) Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization. EMO 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11411. Springer, Cham, pp 291-304.


l Rui Zheng, Lei Liu, Shulin Zhang, Chun Zheng, Filiz Bunyak, Ronald Xu, Bin Li, and Mingzhai Sun, Detection of exudates in fundus photographs with imbalanced learning using conditional generative adversarial network, Biomedical Optics Express Vol. 9, Issue 10, pp. 4863-4878 (2018)

l Thomas Weise, Xiaofeng Wang, Qi Qi, Bin Li, Ke Tang, Automatically discovering clusters of algorithm and problem instance behaviors as well as their causes from experimental data, algorithm setups, and instance features, Applied Soft Computing, 73 (2018) 366C382.

l Mang Wang, Bin Li, Guofu Zhang and Xin Yao, Population Evolvability: Dynamic Fitness Landscape Analysis for Population-based Metaheuristic Algorithms, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, Vol. 22, No. 4, August 2018, p550-563.

l Qianyu Zhang, Bin Li and Yi Wu. Evolutionary Structure Optimization of Convolutional Neural Networks for Deployment on Resource Limited Systems, 14th International Conference on Intelligent Computing: ICIC 2018. LNCS, Vol. 10955, pp 742-753.

l Feng Zhang, Bin Li, and Kun Qian, A Grouping Genetic Algorithm Based on the GES Local Search for Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows and LIFO Loading, 14th International Conference on Intelligent Computing: ICIC 2018. LNCS, Vol. 10955, pp 729-741.

l Kaiming Wang, Bin Li, and Rentuo Tao, Pseudo-3D Fully Convolutional DenseNets for Brain Tumor Segmentation, Proc. SPIE 10806, Tenth International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP 2018), 1080659 (9 August 2018)

l Kun Qian, Bin Li, Feng Zhang, A Variable Selection Method for Step Cost Facility Location and Network Design Problem , Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence (ICACI 2018), March 29-31, 2018, IEEE, ISBN: 978-1-5386-4362-4.

l Qianyu Zhang, Bin Li and Feng Zhang. A MOEA/D Approach to Exploit the Crucial Structure of Convolution Kernels, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence (ICACI 2018), March 29-31, 2018, IEEE, ISBN: 978-1-5386-4362-4. (Best student paper).

l Kai Zhang, Bin Li, Rentuo Tao. SAR Image Retrieval based-on Fly Algorithm, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence (ICACI 2018), March 29-31, 2018, IEEE, ISBN: 978-1-5386-4362-4,  p.867-872.

l Qi Qi, Thomas Weise, and Bin Li. Optimization Algorithm Behavior Modeling: A Study on the Traveling Salesman Problem, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence (ICACI 2018), March 29-31, 2018, IEEE, ISBN: 978-1-5386-4362-4, pages 845-850.

2017 and earlier:

l Qi Qi, Thomas Weise and Bin Li, Modeling optimization algorithm runtime behavior and its applications, the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion 2017:115-116.

l Bo Yuan, Bin Li, Huanhuan Chen, and Xin Yao, Defect- and Variation-tolerant Logic Mapping in Nano-crossbar Using Bipartite Matching and Memetic Algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems, Vol. 24, No. 9, Sept. 2016, p.2813 - 2826

l Fugui Zhong, Bo Yuan, Bin Li, A hybrid evolutionary algorithm for multiobjective variation tolerant logic mapping on nanoscale crossbar architectures, Applied Soft Computing, 2016(38)955-966.

l Qi Xu, Song Chen and Bin Li, Combining the ant system algorithm and simulated annealing for 3D/2D fixed-outline floorplanning, Applied Soft Computing, 2016(40)150-160.

l Chengshan Pang, Mang Wang, Weiming Liu, Bin Li, Learning Features for Discriminative Behavior Analysis of Evolutionary Algorithms via Slow Feature Analysis, Proceedings of 2016 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion. ACM, Denver, Colorado, USA, July 20 - 24, 2016, p1437-1444.

l Bo Yuan, Bin Li, Huanhuan Chen, and Xin Yao, A New Evolutionary Algorithm with Structure Mutation for the Maximum Balanced Biclique Problem, IEEE Transaction on Cybernetics, VOL. 45, NO. 5, MAY 2015, pp.1040-1053.

l Rentuo Tao and Bin Li, SAR Automatic Target Recognition based on Slow Feature Analysis, 2015 International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing (PIC-2015), December 18-20, 2015 in Nanjing, China.

l Yifeng Hu and Bin Li, Automatic SAR Target Recognition Based on Two-dimensional Locality-Preserved Maximum Information Projection, 2015 8th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design (ISCID 2015), Dec.12-13, 2015, China. 

l Bo Yuan, Xin Yao, Bin Li and Thomas Weise, A New Memetic Algorithm with Fitness Approximation for the Defect-Tolerant Logic Mapping in Crossbar-based Nano-architectures, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, Vol.18, No.6, DEC. 2014.p846-859.

l Bo Yuan and Bin Li, A Fast Extraction Algorithm for Defect-free Subcrossbar in Nanoelectronic Crossbar, ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems, vol. 10, no. 3, article 25, Apr. 2014.

l Fugui Zhong, Bo Yuan and Bin Li, Hybridization of NSGA-II with greedy re-assignment for variation tolerant logic mapping on nano-scale crossbar architectures, GECCO 2014, Vancouver, Canada, July 2014.

l Can Liu and Bin Li,Individual-based Cooperative Coevolution Local Search for Large Scale Optimization, 2014 Asia Pacific Symposium on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, Vol. 1, Singapore, p.535-547, 2014.

l Can Liu and Bin Li,Memetic Algorithm with Adaptive Local Search Depth for Large Scale Global Optimization, 2014 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI2014), Beijing, China, p.82-88, 2014.

l Tiantian Huang and Bin Li,A Genetic Algorithm using Priority-based Encoding for RSA in Elastic Optical Network, ICICTA 2014, Changsha, China, Oct. 2014.

l Qi Xu, Song Chen, Bin Li, ANT SYSTEM BASED 3D FIXED-OUTLINE FLOORPLANNING, IEEE 12th International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology, Oct. 2014, Guilin, China.

l Bin Li, Yu Wang, Thomas Weise, Long Long, Fixed-point Digital IIR Filter Design using Two-Stage Ensemble Evolutionary Algorithm, Applied Soft Computing Journal, Volume 13 Issue 1, January, 2013, Pages 329-338.

l Yu Wang, Bin Li, Thomas Weise, Two-stage ensemble memetic algorithm: Function optimization and digital IIR filter design, Information Sciences, Volume 220, 20 January 2013, Pages 408C424.

l Shanqing Hu, Bin Li, Velocity Divergence of CCPSO in Large Scale Global Optimization, in Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning (IDEAL 2013), Hefei, China, Oct. 2013.

l Shuaishuai Yu, Fei Dong, and Bin Li, Optimal Testing Resource Allocation for Modular Software Systems based-on Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms with Effective Local Search Strategy, in Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Workshop on Memetic Computing, Singapore, Apr. 2013.

l Jianfeng Lu, Bin Li, Yaochu Jin, An evolution strategy assisted by an ensemble of local Gaussian process models, Proceeding of the fifteenth annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation conference (GECCO 2013), July 6-10, 2013, Amsterdam, Netherland, Pages 447-454.

l Bo Yuan and Bin Li, Coverage Optimization for Defect-Tolerance Logic Mapping on Nanoelectronic Crossbar Architectures, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 27(5):979-988, Sept. 2012.

l Kaibo Zhang and Bin Li, Cooperative Coevolution with Global Search for Large Scale Global Optimization, 2012 World Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Brisbane, Australia, June 11-15, 2012.

l Kaibo Zhang, Bin Li and Lixiang Tan, Empirical study of the effect of variable correlation on grouping in Cooperative Coevolutionary Evolutionary Algorithms, 2012 World Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Brisbane, Australia, June 11-15, 2012.

l Yu Wang, Bin Li, Thomas Weise, Jianyu Wang, Bo Yuan, Qiongjie Tian, Self-Adaptive Learning based Particle Swarm Optimization, Information Sciences(Elsevier), Volume 181, Issue 20, 15 October 2011, p4515-4538.

l Yu Wang, Bin Li, Yunbi Chen, Digital IIR Filter Design using Multi-objective Optimization Evolutionary Algorithm, Applied Soft Computing(Elsevier), Volume 11, Issue 2, March 2011, p1851-1857.

l Yu Wang, Bin Li, Zhen He, Enhancing Differential Evolution with Effective Evolutionary Local Search in Memetic Algorithm,, IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC2011), New Orleans, LA, USA, 5-8 June, 2011, p2457 - 2464.

l Yu Wang, Bin Li, Kaibo Zhang, Estimation of Distribution and Differential Evolution Cooperation for Real-world Numerical Optimization Problems, IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC2011), New Orleans, LA, USA, 5-8 June, 2011, p1315 - 1321, 2011.

l Yu Wang, Bin Li, Kaibo Zhang, Zhen He Evaluation of Two-Stage Ensemble Evolutionary Algorithm for Numerical Optimization, The Second International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ICSI 2011), Chongqing, China, June 12 - 15, 2011, p539-548.

l Bo Yuan, Bin Li, A Low Time Complexity Defect-tolerance Algorithm for Nanoelectronic Crossbar, 2011 International Conference on Information Science and Technology, Nanjing, China, 26 - 28 March, 2011, p143-148.

l Bo Yuan, Bin Li, Diversity Mapping Scheme for Defect and Fault Tolerance in Nanoelectronic Crossbar, 2011 International Conference on Information Science and Technology, Nanjing, China, 26 - 28 March, 2011, p149-154.

l Yi Yang, Bo Yuan, Bin Li, Defect and Variation Tolerance Logic Mapping for Crossbar Nanoarchitectures As a Multi-objective Problem, 2011 International Conference on Information Science and Technology, Nanjing, China, 26 - 28 March, 2011, p1139-1142.

l Yu Wang, Bin Li, Bo Yuan, Hybrid of Comprehensive Learning Particle Swarm Optimization and SQP Algorithm for Large Scale Economic Load Dispatch Optimization of Power System, Science in China Ser. F-Information Sciences, Vol.53, No.8, Aug. 2010, pp.1566-1573.

l Yu Wang, Bin Li, Thomas Weise, Estimation of distribution and differential evolution cooperation for large scale economic load dispatch optimization of power systems, Information Sciences(Elsevier), Vol. 180, Issue 12, June 15, 2010, pp. 2405-2420. 

l Yu Wang, Bin Li, Zhengdong Li, Fixed-Point Digital IIR Filter Design Using Multi-Objective Optimization Evolutionary Algorithm, 2010 IEEE Youth Conference on Information, Computing and Telecommunications (YC-ICT), Beijing, China, Nov. 28-30, 2010. (Best Paper Award)

l Yu Wang and Bin Li, Two-stage based Ensemble Optimization for Large-Scale Global Optimization, WCCI 2010 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence July, 18-23, 2010 - CCIB, Barcelona, Spain, p4488-4495.

l Yu Wang, Bin Li, Guangmei Jing, Peng Wang and Jianyu Wang, Research of Constraint Handling Techniques for Economic Load Dispatch of Power System, WCCI 2010 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence July, 18-23, 2010 - CCIB, Barcelona, Spain, p1-8.

l Sifei Liu, Dong Yi, Bin Li, Stan Z. Li, Face Alignment under Partial Occlusion in Near Infrared Images, In Proceedings of Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition 2010, (CCPR-2010). Chongqing, China, Nov. 2010, p1-5.(Best Paper Candidate)

l Zhongdi Zhu, Bin Li, Kongqiao Wang, Optical Flow Based Finger Stroke Detection, VCIP2010, July, 2010, Huangshan, China.